Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care is Key to Good Health


Whitelands Chiropractic is Health Center is a family-oriented practice. Our patients are of all ages and all physical conditions, and the atmosphere is relaxed and child-friendly.

Our approach to chiropractic adjusting is both gentle and specific. We strive to move only that which needs to be moved and to use the minimum amount of force to do it. 

We evaluate a patient for subluxations on each visit and make our corrections in an order that the body will find most advantageous. We are in favor of the employment of subtle yet effective forms of manipulation, such as adjusting instruments, working with drop tables, and occasionally making manual adjustments. 

Elderly Woman Having Neck Pain — Malvern, PA — Whitelands Chiropractic Health Center

Whitelands Chiropractic is Health Center is a strong advocate of stretching. We have found consistently, patients who either stretch or do yoga, with or without another form of exercise, hold their adjustments much better than patients who don’t. 

Even with stretching and strengthening exercises, some patients lose their spinal correction easily. This can be traced often to problems in the feet which, like a bad foundation of a house, transmit stresses upwards. If this is the case, we can supply patients with custom-fitted flexible shoe orthotics. We have also found that nutritional deficiencies and food sensitivities slow healing and create chronic inflammation. We offer analysis and counsel for these situations. 

We appreciate the ability to work together with other health care providers for the benefit of our patients. Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation! We can’t wait to meet you and see how we can help!

Who Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care?

Many people think chiropractic is good for certain problems like back pain or headaches. While it is true that people with these problems usually find relief through chiropractic care, this isn’t really what chiropractic is about. 

Yes, chiropractic typically helps people with neuro-musculo-skeletal problems by directly reducing the mechanical stress on various tissues. Chiropractic also helps people with many other kinds of problems—immune, digestive, neurological, etc.—by enabling the body to regulate itself correctly.

People also benefit from chiropractic when they are healing from an injury, such as from surgery, sports, or an auto accident. Not only do proper body mechanics permit the healing tissues to structure themselves correctly, but a nervous system free of interference results in higher quality repair tissue.

Since our bodies are stronger and more resilient when our joints work properly, regular chiropractic care helps people avoid the damage and disfunction that result from subluxations. 

In an ideal world, no one would ever need chiropractic care, because our bodies would correct all subluxations shortly after they occurred. Unfortunately, we don’t use our bodies the way they were designed to be used. Our normal lives are far removed from the natural lives of our ancestors, and therefore our bodies don’t get the kind of conditions they need to adjust themselves. Most of us spend too much time seated and/or overstressed.

So, who needs chiropractic care? In truth, everyone in our society needs to be checked periodically for subluxations, much in the same way we get regular dental checkups. Not everyone will be badly subluxated, but it is better to find out sooner rather than later. Chiropractic problems are much easier to correct before our bodies start to make accommodations for them.


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